1. Is the driver covered by comprehensive car insurance?

No, comprehensive car insurance does not protect the owner of the vehicle.

2. What is IDV in car insurance?

IDV is the maximum amount that the insurer will pay in the event of an unfortunate event involving the policyholder.

3. Does comprehensive insurance need to be purchased in India?

In India, having a comprehensive insurance policy is not mandatory.

4. How can I avoid a vehicle inspection under the SAOD Car policy?

Just renew your coverage before it expires.

5. Does bike insurance coverage need to be inspected?

No two-wheeler is exempt from examination.

6. What does it mean when a policy is breached?

When a policy expires, it is called a policy break-in.

7. What are the exclusions of zero depreciation?

Zero depreciation does not cover mechanical breakdowns, oil changes, or consumables.

8. Which is the most basic type of insurance?

Third-party insurance is the most common form of insurance.

9. Is the battery covered with zero-depreciation insurance?

Yes, batteries are covered up to 50% of the time.

10. What does comprehensive insurance cover?

Comprehensive insurance covers theft, loss, and accidents.

11. Who is covered under the SAOD policy?

In a SAOD policy, the insured person is covered for his damages.

12. How are premiums calculated for third-party insurance determined?

Third-party premium rates are calculated by the vehicle's cubic capacity.

13. To what extent are third-party responsibilities covered?

The liabilities of third parties are limitless.

It is primarily determined by the third party's age and earning capacity.

14. How much of an insured's loss is covered by a comprehensive insurance policy?

Comprehensive insurance covers losses up to the IDV value.

15. Is third-party auto insurance required in India?

Yes, in India, third-party insurance is mandatory.


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