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1. Is it possible to transfer a car insurance policy to Future Generali?
Yes, if you're selling your automobile and want to transfer your car insurance policy to the new owner, you can do so within 15 days.
2. In a Future general car insurance policy, how many claims are allowed?
Future Generali policyholders are limited to two claims for damage or loss to parked cars caused by external circumstances such as floods, earthquakes, and other natural disasters.
3. Is three years of car insurance required?
Yes, according to the Motor Vehicle Act of 1988, third-party insurance is required for all car insurance.
4. What are the different forms of Future Generali car insurance policies?
Comprehensive car insurance, third-party insurance, and stand-alone own damage policies are the two types of car insurance
5. What is the procedure for obtaining emergency assistance?
Emergency assistance is optional protection that must be purchased for an additional fee. Various perks, such as aid with tire replacement, towing, and fuel replacement, are available over the policy's length. Roadside help is another name for emergency assistance.
6. Is the premium for a car insurance policy refundable?
Yes, you can terminate your car insurance policy and receive a refund.
7. How long does Future Generali car insurance cover you for?
In general, any type of car insurance has a one-year validity period from the policy date. In July 2018, the Supreme Court ruled that all new automobile insurance policies must include third-party liability coverage for 3 years.
8. Can Owner of the car also be insured under the car insurance?
Yes, it is mandatory to ensure the registered owner of the vehicle is against the risk of Personal accident only if he/she holds a valid driving license.
9. Can the passenger traveling in my car be insured?
Yes, they might be insured against the risk of personal accident for a sum not exceeding Rs. 2 lakh per passenger by paying an additional nominal premium amount.
10. What add-on car insurance covers can I purchase from future generali?
Following add-on cover offer while buying Future generali insurance:
Zero depreciation, Key loss cover, Engine protection, Loss of personal belongings cover, Tyre damage, Return to invoice
11. Does the Future generali offer cashless claim settlement?
Yes, Future generali offers you cashless claim settlement service at more than 2500 garages across India.
12. What is meant by the protection of NCB?
This add-on cover will retain the No Claim Bonus factor even after filing a claim.
13. What is not covered under the future Generali car insurance policy?
If your car has met with an accident because of an electrical breakdown, its damage will not be taken care of, also in case of a Drunk driving overdose leading to damages will not be eligible for coverage.
14. Is there any personal accident cover available with future third-party policy?
Yes, Third-party insurance Cover personal accident up to Rs.15 lakh.
15. Is Third-party cover includes legal liabilities of a paid driver?
Yes, you can opt for legal liability for paid driver cover against an extra premium with third-party car insurance.