Two-wheeler or bike insurance is the best way to protect your vehicle, providing financial assistance in case of damages or accidents. More people are insuring their two-wheelers in India, driven by increased awareness, new traffic laws, higher penalties for not having insurance, and better claim settlement rates by insurance companies.

The importance of two wheeler insurance is clear. Recent actions by regulators and the availability of more online bike insurance comparison options are positive signs. However, many people still find it challenging to understand the difference between third-party and comprehensive bike insurance.

Let's break down and simplify the two types of bike insurance available in India!

What is Third-Party Bike Insurance?

Third-party bike insurance is a basic insurance policy required by law in many places, including India. It covers any damage or injury you cause to another person or their property while using your bike. However, it doesn't cover any damage to your own bike or injuries to you.

What is Covered in Third-Party Bike Insurance?

  • Injury to Others: If you cause injury or death to someone else while riding your bike, this insurance will cover the costs.
  • Damage to Property: If you damage someone else's property, such as their vehicle or building, this insurance will pay for the repairs.
  • Legal Costs: If the third party takes legal action against you, this insurance will cover the legal expenses.

What is Not Covered in Third-Party Bike Insurance?

  • Your Bike: Any damage to your own bike.
  • Your Injuries: Injuries you sustain while riding your bike.
  • Personal Belongings: Loss or damage to your personal items.
  • Unrelated Incidents: Incidents not involving a third party, such as theft or natural disasters.
  • Illegal Activities: Accidents occurring while you're under the influence of alcohol or drugs or engaging in illegal activities.

Advantages and Limitations of Third-Party Bike Insurance


Advantages of Third Party Insurance Limitations of Third Party Insurance
Addresses damages to third parties No coverages for losses/damages to own vehicles
Preferred for less-than-frequent rides

Not wise for regular/everyday use of two-wheelers

Suitable for old bikes

Considered unreliable for new bikes

Costs less Insufficient coverage/personal accident cover only
Saves you from hefty fines No add-ons, or scope for customization
Satisfies the legal compulsion No compensation for thefts
Gives you some peace of mind Keeps you underinsured and vulnerable


What is Comprehensive Bike Insurance?

Comprehensive bike insurance provides broader coverage. It includes everything covered by third-party insurance and also protects you and your bike against various risks. It's not mandatory but highly recommended for full protection.

What is Covered in Comprehensive Bike Insurance?

  • Third-Party Liabilities: Just like third-party insurance, it covers injuries or damages to others.
  • Own Damage: Comprehensive bike insurance covers own damage coverage to your bike due to accidents, theft, fire, natural disasters, or vandalism.
  • Personal Accident Cover: Compensation for injuries or death of the rider.
  • Damage During Transit: Damage to your bike while it's being transported by road, rail, or air.
  • Add-Ons: Optional extras like zero depreciation cover, engine protection, and roadside assistance.

What is Not Covered in Comprehensive Bike Insurance?

  • Depreciation: Normal wear and tear and depreciation of your bike.
  • Mechanical or Electrical Failure: Breakdowns due to mechanical or electrical issues.
  • Illegal Activities: Accidents while engaging in illegal activities or violating the law.
  • Drunk Driving: Accidents caused while driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
  • No License: You must have valid driving license to claim bike two insurance, without license your claim will not be approved.
  • Negligence: Damage due to careless riding.
  • War or Nuclear Risks: Damage caused by war or nuclear events.


Benefits of Comprehensive Cover

Shortcomings of Comprehensive Cover

Ensures extensive coverage No provision for natural wear/tear of two-wheelers
Pays for third-party + own two-wheeler damages Not valid for mechanical/electrical breakdowns
Variety of add-ons No coverage in case of drunk driving instances
Handy during natural calamities Inadequate cover for rubber/fiber parts in the absence of add-ons
Proves to be worthwhile spending Does not stop the timely depreciation of your bike
Results in complete peace of mind Excludes riding without a valid driving license

Difference Between Third-Party Bike Vs Comprehensive Bike Insurance



Third-Party Bike Insurance

Comprehensive Bike Insurance

Coverage and Benefits

Third-party insurance is the most basic and legally required form of bike insurance. It covers liabilities arising from damages or injuries caused to a third party by your bike. It does not cover any damage to your own bike or injuries to the rider.

Comprehensive bike insurance offers extensive protection. It covers third-party liabilities as well as damages to your own bike from accidents, theft, natural disasters (like floods, earthquakes, storms), and man-made incidents (like vandalism, riots). Additionally, it often includes personal accident cover for the rider.

Premium Cost

The premium for third-party insurance is significantly lower compared to comprehensive insurance. This affordability makes it a popular choice for meeting legal requirements without extensive coverage.

The premium for comprehensive insurance is higher due to its extensive coverage. The cost varies based on factors such as the bike’s make, model, age, location, and the selected add-ons.


This insurance is ideal for those who want to fulfill the legal mandate at a minimal cost. It’s suitable if you have an older bike, rarely use your bike, or if your primary concern is covering third-party liabilities.

This insurance is suitable for bike owners who seek complete protection against a wide range of risks. It’s especially recommended if you use your bike frequently, live in areas prone to accidents or theft, or simply want peace of mind knowing your bike is fully protected.


Typically, third-party policies do not offer add-ons. The focus remains on providing the basic legal coverage required for riding a bike on public roads.

Comprehensive policies offer various add-ons to enhance coverage. Common add-ons include:

1. Zero Depreciation Cover: Ensures full claim amount without depreciation deductions.

2. Engine Protection: Covers damages to the engine due to leakage of lubricating oil or water ingression.

3. Roadside Benefit: Comprehensive coverage provides support in case of breakdowns or reinforcement.

4. Passenger Cover: It also extends its coverage for personal accident cover to passengers.

5. Consumables Cover: Covers the cost of consumables like nuts, bolts, engine oil, and brake oil that are usually not included in standard policies.

Claim Settlement

The bike insurance claim settlement process for third-party insurance deals exclusively with compensating the third party for their losses. It involves less complexity compared to comprehensive policies since it does not include claims for the insured’s own bike.

Claim settlement in comprehensive insurance involves compensating for both third-party liabilities and damages to your bike. Insurers aim for efficient claim processing, which usually includes survey, documentation, and repair or replacement costs.

Peace of Mind

Third-party insurance provides peace of mind by ensuring that you are legally compliant and financially protected against liabilities to others. Knowing that you have met the mandatory legal requirements allows you to ride your bike without worrying about potential legal issues or fines for not having bike insurance.

Comprehensive insurance provides the highest level of protection and peace of mind. Knowing that both your bike and potential liabilities are covered allows for worry-free riding.

Legal Compliance

Third-party insurance ensures you comply with the legal requirements for riding a bike, avoiding penalties and fines for uninsured vehicles.

While comprehensive insurance exceeds the basic legal requirements, it inherently includes third-party liability coverage, ensuring you meet legal obligations while also providing extensive protection for your own bike.


FAQs on Comprehensive and Third-Party Bike Insurance

Q1. Does third-party bike insurance cover theft?
Ans: No, third-party bike insurance does not cover theft. Third-party insurance only covers damage or injury you cause to another person or their property.

Q2. Does comprehensive bike insurance provide full coverage?
Ans: Yes, comprehensive bike insurance provides full coverage, including third-party liabilities, damage to your own bike, personal accident cover, and other risks like theft and natural disasters.

Q3. How do I check if my bike insurance is third-party or comprehensive?
Ans: You can check if your two wheeler insurance is third-party or comprehensive by reviewing your policy documents or contacting your insurance provider for confirmation.

Q4. Is third-party insurance enough for a bike for the police?
Ans: Yes, third-party bike insurance is legally sufficient for a bike to satisfy police requirements.

Q5. Is comprehensive bike insurance mandatory?
Ans: No, comprehensive bike insurance is not mandatory, but it is highly recommended for complete protection.

Q6. Can I upgrade third-party bike insurance to comprehensive bike insurance while renewal?
Ans: Yes, you can upgrade your third-party two wheeler insurance to comprehensive two wheeler insurance at the time of renewal. Contact your insurance provider to discuss the options and process.

Q7. Why is comprehensive insurance more expensive than third-party?
Ans: Comprehensive insurance is more expensive than third party insurance because it offers broader coverage, including protection for your own bike, personal accident cover, and additional benefits like theft and natural disaster coverage.


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