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In India driving a car without a valid insurance policy is illegal and complies to hefty fines under the Motor Vehicles Act. Every vehicle owner is required to have at least third-party car insurance coverage.
Whether your car insurance has expired and you forget to renew your vehicle insurance or intentionally drive without insurance coverage, the penalties can be severe, especially for four-wheeler owners.
Understanding the fine for no car insurance can help you stay compliant and avoid significant financial penalties.
Yes, as per motor Vehicle Act 1988 Indian car owners must have at least third party liability coverage for their vehicle. Third party insurance covers damages or injuries caused to third parties in case of an accident involving your vehicle. The primary purpose of the insurance mandate is to ensure victims receive compensation during accidents.
In India it is illegal to drive a vehicle without motor insurance as per Motor Vehicle Act. In case a person is found driving a vehicle without insurance policy he/she might face the following repercussions:
Person driving a vehicle on the road without even having third party car insurance can be charged with Rs. 2000 for the first offense and can even be sent to imprisonment for about 3 months.
Driving a car or other vehicle without insurance coverage can not only be imposed fine but also can encompass penalties like not entitling to file third party insurance claims in case of accident. Instead, he/she is liable to pay the compensation to the third party else a case can be filed against the victim.
Without insurance car drivers can land into a worrisome situation, especially in case of any medical contingency to the third party. In case the person is hospitalized and the rider got hit then all the medical expenditures have to be borne out by the rider from his/her own pocket.
Initially, the penalty for driving without having vehicle insurance was 1000/- rupees but later due to some amendments in the Motor Vehicle Act, it got increased.
Following table below illustrates the challan rates for violating vehicle insurance rules in different states in India:
To pay fine for no insurance online follow below steps,
To make the payment offline, visit the traffic police station where you were caught by police.
Here are some precautions you can take to avoid unnecessary fines and penalties due to driving without insurance.
Yes, insurance companies offer 15 to 30 days of grace period for the insurance renewal. But this grace period only applies to the renewal process and driving a vehicle without insurance in this period will still be liable for fines.
In addition to facing fines and penalties you will be personally liable for all damages in case of accident, which may lead to higher insurance premiums, authorities may seize your vehicle and you can get into legal trouble.
Paying the fine for driving without insurance does not necessarily avoid imprisonment, it depends on severity of the violation and decision by responsible authorities.
Yes, the penalty for driving without insurance remains the same for all types of vehicles, but it may vary if you are a first time or repetitive offender of the rule.
The fine for driving with expired car insurance is the same as the fine for driving without any insurance.