What is an Electric Vehicle?

The concept of Electric Vehicle has been increasing in India. EVs have gotten countless attention in recent years. Every single individual is considering the electric vehicle as a change we need to make for rising pollution, global warming, diminishing natural resources, and so on.

By burning a mixture of fuel and gases, India is choosing Electric Vehicles having tax benefits to increase carbon footprints and other environmental effects of fuel-based vehicles.






What is 80EEB about?

Section 80EEB in the Income Tax Act of India where the individuals deduct the interest paid on loans for buying electric vehicles. This deduction can go up to ₹1.5 lakh and because of this, people are encouraged to choose electric vehicles for a more environmentally friendly lifestyle.

  • Maximum Deduction: Up to ₹1.5 lakh deduction on interest payment, in addition to existing deductions under Section 24.
  • Encouraging EV Adoption: EVs are aimed at incentivizing the adoption of eco-friendly electric vehicles.
  • Financial Savings: Offers significant tax savings, reducing taxable income and increasing disposable income.
  • Environmental Impact: Supports the transition to cleaner transportation, reducing carbon emissions and promoting environmental sustainability.

What are EVs Tax Exemptions?

1. Tax exemption on EVs means certain taxes on electric vehicles are reduced or eliminated.

2. It lowers the overall tax burden for individuals or businesses purchasing electric vehicles.

3. Governments offer tax exemptions on EVs to incentivize their adoption and support sustainable transportation.

4. Examples include exemption from sales tax, road tax, or registration fees for electric vehicles.

Understanding EV vehicles tax exemptions helps individuals and businesses to save money while contributing to environmental sustainability.

What are the Tax Benefits of Using Electric Vehicles?

Most of the people in India believe that an Electric Vehicle is Tax beneficial and is a transition for making the country a greener and cleaner ecosystem. As many of the cities are working to make this earth free from clutches of carbon emissions and CO2.

Here are some Tax benefits on EV, if you're thinking of buying it:

  • Tax Credits: Governments sometimes offer tax credits as incentives for purchasing EVs. These credits directly reduce the amount of tax you owe, making EVs more affordable.
  • Tax Deductions: In some places, you can deduct a portion of the cost of buying an EV from your taxable income. This means you pay taxes on a lower amount of income.
  • Lower Registration Fees: Owning an EV may come with lower registration fees. Some places even allow certain registration taxes or fees for EV owners.
  • Reduced Road Tax: You might pay less or no road tax for your EV. This means you save money on taxes which you'd normally pay for using roads.
  • Sales Tax Exemption: In certain areas, EVs are exempt from sales tax. This means you don't have to pay extra tax when buying an electric vehicle.
  • Charging Infrastructure Incentives: Governments may provide tax incentives for installing EV charging stations. This encourages the growth of charging infrastructure, making it easier for EV owners to charge their vehicles.

Is It Essential to Insure an Electric Vehicle?

We strongly advise insuring your electric vehicle for several important reasons:

  • Legal Requirement: In many jurisdictions, having two wheeler insurance coverage for your vehicle is mandatory by law. Failing to ensure your electric vehicle could result in legal penalties or fines.
  • Financial Protection: Insurance provides financial protection in case your electric vehicle is involved in an accident, stolen, or damaged. Without insurance, you could be responsible for covering the costly repairs or replacement out of pocket.
  • Liability Coverage: If you are found responsible for causing an accident while driving your electric vehicle, insurance can help cover the costs of property damage or bodily injuries to others involved.
  • Comprehensive Coverage: Electric vehicles are valuable assets and insuring them with comprehensive coverage can protect against various risks, including theft, vandalism, fire, and natural disasters.
  • Peace of Mind: Having insurance for your electric vehicle provides peace of mind knowing that you are financially protected against unexpected events on the road. Whether it's a minor or a major accident, insurance ensures that you are not left facing financial crises.

Ensuring your electric vehicle is not only a legal requirement but also a smart financial decision. Quickinsure has always had a back with many people to safeguard their investment and protect everyone from potential liabilities.


Electric vehicles present a compelling solution to combat pollution and reduce our carbon footprint. Quickinsure ensures your EV tax benefits to lower maintenance costs, and provides the advantages are clear. If you're considering an electric vehicle, explore your required quote with us today and take a step towards a secured greener future.

FAQs - Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What tax benefits are available for purchasing electric vehicles?

Tax benefits for EVs include tax credits, deductions, lower registration fees, reduced road tax, sales tax exemption, and incentives for charging infrastructure. Get everything you need in just one click.

Q2. Do tax benefits for electric vehicles apply to both individuals and businesses?

Yes, tax benefits for EVs typically apply to both individual taxpayers and businesses that purchase electric vehicles for their fleets.

Q3. Does electric vehicle insurance cover charging equipment?

Some insurance policies may offer coverage for charging equipment, such as home charging stations or public charging infrastructure, as part of comprehensive coverage or as an optional add-on. It's essential to review your policy, compare it and discuss coverage options with your insurance provider.

Q4. Is it mandatory to insure an electric vehicle?

Yes, in many jurisdictions, having insurance coverage for your vehicle, including electric vehicles, is mandatory by law.

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