Just getting yourself car insurance is not enough in today's time. It is necessary to get your insurance from a company that is reliable enough.

It must have a respectable claim settlement score. Only then one must invest in any car insurance plan. Also, the registration process for a car insurance claim should be easy and smooth, and You must be away from technicalities.

Today's blog is about registering the car insurance claim in HDFC Ergo General Insurance. You must be aware of these details so that during the time of emergencies, you do not take any rash decisions and lose your claim in a rush.

What do you mean by car insurance?

Car insurance goes by different names, such as auto insurance, motor insurance, or vehicle insurance.

It is basically a type of legal contract between the insurance holder and the insurance company, where the insurer offers you protection and coverage against unfortunate incidents such as burglary, accident, damage, vandalism, etc. In return, you will have to pay a monthly or annual premium to the insurance company.

A reliable car insurance plan will protect you against financial losses during unfavorable times. It is necessary that you invest in a secure and trustworthy car insurance company like HDFC Ergo to get your vehicle insured.

How to register a claim in HDFC Ergo?

Have you of late damaged your car? Did a third party damage your car in an accident? You should straightforward claim compensation from your car insurance company. And the first step in this direction is to register for your car insurance claim with your insurance company. In this case, we are talking about registering a claim in HDFC Ergo.

How to register for a claim due to damage caused to a third party

Third-party car insurance keeps you covered for the damage you have done to a third party or his property. For claiming compensation and registering your claim with HDFC Ergo, follow the below-given steps:

  • Do not forget to click photographs as well as capture videos of the sight of the accident.
  • Make sure you jot down details of the third party which is involved in the accident. You need to have details such as the vehicle number of the third party, their contact details, policy details etc.
  • Without any further delay, intimate the insurance company about the unfortunate accident. Generally, HDFC Ergo offers a time frame of 36 hours to 48 hours to inform the insurer.
  • The insurance company will get your claim registered when you furnish all the necessary details.
  • You should also file an FIR at the nearest police station where the accident took place.
  • If there are any witnesses on your support, you need to collect their details as well, such as their names and contact numbers.

How to register for your own damage claim?

If you have a comprehensive car insurance plan, the insurance company will offer you coverage against instances of your own damages. Follow the below-mentioned steps to get your claim registered:

  • You must inform HDFC Ergo before moving your car from the sight of accident.
  • You may also want to file an FIR at the nearby police station.
  • The maximum time frame to inform the insurance company is between 36 to 48 hours.
  • Most probably, the damaged car will be towed to the closest garage station.
  • The insurance company will assign a surveyor or inspector who evaluates the condition of the vehicle and the extent of the damage.
  • For registration of a claim, you need to submit important papers such as policy copy, registration certificate, claim form, FIR copy, driving license copy, and so on.

How to register in case of a theft claim?

Has your brand-new car been stolen? If yes, then you should immediately register your claim with HDFC Ergo. In case your claim gets approved, the insurance company will provide you with an amount equal to the IDV of your vehicle. Here is how you can do it easily!

  • Inform your insurance company immediately about the incident of theft.
  • File an FIR at the nearest police station positively.
  • Intimate the RTO about the incident of car theft.
  • Submit all the necessary documents like an invoice of the car, no trace report, car keys, registration certificate, and so on.

#JaldiClaimService by HDFC Ergo makes the HDFC motor claim register process further easy, where the insurance holder can register his minor claims online itself. All he requires to do is to click the images of damaged parts of the vehicle and upload them through the mobile app of HDFC Ergo.


Q. What is the meaning of IDV?

Ans: IDV is the abbreviated form of Insured Declared Value. It means the sum insured value of your car. It gets fixed depending on the manufacturer listing the selling price of the brand of the car model. Further, the amount of depreciation gets subtracted from the value, and what is left is known as IDV.

Q. What do you mean by salvage and total loss?

Ans: When after an accident, your car turns into a complete wreck, its value is known as a wreck. In such a situation, you cannot retrieve back your car.

Q. What is the meaning of the No Claim Bonus?

Ans: When your insurance company offers a discount to you in case you have not made any claim during the entire year, it is called a No Claim Bonus.

Q. Can my insurance claim be rejected at any instance?

Ans: Yes, your car insurance claim can get rejected for different reasons such as policy expiry, unavailability of a valid driving license, and so on.

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Insurance Companies