Keeping a check on your Vehicle Insurance Status Online is very important because you have to renew it on time to avoid any problems later on. In India, it is mandatory for owners to purchase at least a third-party car insurance policy in order to drive a car anywhere in the country. A comprehensive insurance policy is a better option as it covers third-party liability and personal damages. That said, the Internet has made life easier in many ways. Furthermore, insurance companies have enhanced their digital presence over the years to provide better services to their customers. In this article, know in details, how you can check your vehicle insurance status online on IIB portal and VAHAN and more.

Where to Check Vehicle Insurance Status Online?

For vehicle insurance status check online, visit the VAHAN or IIB websites. You can also use the Parivahan Seva and RTO portals to know your car insurance status. You need to know the status of your car insurance policy for two reasons: to verify the renewal date and to track the car accident history. Before you go online to check the status, keep your car’s registration number, address, mobile number, accident location, and the date of the accident ready with you. Then, you can visit:

#1 How to Check Insurance Status Online Using the Insurance Information Bureau (IIB) Web Portal?

Here you can know how to vehicle insurance status check online from Insurance Information Bureau (IIB) website with below given information.

  • Once you fill in the required details such as your name, address, email address, mobile number, and car registration number, you will be able to check the details of your car insurance policy.
  • It is also possible to check the status of your car insurance policy by filling in the engine and chassis numbers of your vehicle.

Guidelines to Check Car and Vehicles Insurance Status While Using the IIB Portal:

  • Enter your car’s registration number without any spaces or special characters.
  • The policy details uploaded to the IIB database take about two months to get updated on the portal.
  • If you try to do an online car insurance check within this period, you will not be able to find any details.
  • The IIB portal allows only three attempts to check your insurance policy details using an email address or a mobile number.
  • Besides, the portal only displays information related to vehicles purchased on or after April 1, 2020.

#2 How to check vehicle insurance status through VAHAN e-Services ?

As of 2024, a total of 367,913,104 vehicles have been digitized and registered on the VAHAN website of the Government of India. You can visit the VAHAN e-services website to check car insurance online status with the below steps.

  • Click/tap on the "Know Your Vehicle Details" button in the menu bar at the top.
  • Enter your car’s registration number and then click/tap on the "Search Vehicle" button.
  • The expiry date of your car’s insurance details will be displayed on the screen.

You can also visit the official websites of either the Regional Transport Office (RTO) or the State Transport Department for a car insurance status check online to know the status online.

#3 How to Check Vehicle Insurance on Insurance Provider’s Website ?

Another option for check car insurance status online is to visit your car insurance provider's website. All insurance companies maintain a record of the insurance policies they sell to their customers. Different insurers may ask for different details, but in general, all of them ask for the registration number of the vehicle.

Read More :How to Get a Duplicate Car Insurance Copy Online


Digitization has made it easy for vehicle owners to have information related to the status of their cars available at their fingertips. Starting from obtaining quotes, comparing different insurance plans, calculating the premium, purchasing the right car insurance policy, to checking the status, everything can be managed online. This ensures a hassle-free experience for customers. Moreover, it has become increasingly easy for customers to buy cost-effective insurance policies and renew them before their expiration date.

FAQs - Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What are the different components of my car’s registration number?

The registration number of your car contains vital information as detailed below:

  • The first two alphabets represent the state/union territory where your vehicle is registered.
  • The number that follows represents the respective RTO where the registration was done.
  • The four-digit number that follows the RTO code represents your car’s unique identification number. The unique ID falls in the range of 0001 to 9999. Alphabets are added before the number when more vehicles have to be registered.

Q2. How can I check my car insurance status online?

You can check the status of your vehicle insurance policy online in three different ways. The first option is to visit the IIB portal. The second option is to visit the VAHAN website. The third option is to visit the insurance provider's website from whom you purchased the policy.

Q3. I bought a new car in January 2021. Can I find out the status of the policy on the IIB website?

No, that is not possible. This is because only information related to policies purchased on or before April 1, 2020, is available on the IIB portal.

Q4. Is it possible to check my car insurance status offline?

Yes, it is very much possible. To know the status of your car insurance policy offline, you will have to visit the RTO where your car was registered and provide the registration number. Alternatively, you can contact your insurance provider.

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Insurance Companies