Life is unpredictable and can sometimes be very short and painful for many people who are suffering from serious illnesses that have a high chance of death such as cancer or any other critical illness. But by getting health insurance one can avoid any financial damage from such unfortunate circumstances as treatment of such illness requires long hospitalisation time and the cost of treatment can be high as well. Many times, people get confused between what is cancer insurance and critical illness insurance when buying their health insurance. Here we are going to look at what are the differences between cancer insurance and critical health insurance.

Differences Between Cancer Insurance and Critical Illness Insurance:



Cancer Insurance

Critical Illness Insurance


Specially designed for cancer treatment and hospitalisation due to cancer.

Designed for only selected critical illnesses specified by the insurance provider may or may not include cancer in some cases.


Every stage of cancer is covered by cancer insurance i.e., from early to advanced stage.

Only limited to critical illness coverage and will not cover any other diseases or illnesses.

Waiting Period

An average of 7-8 days waiting period is required for the claim to be validated and approved.

Can take from 10-30 days to get a claim approved based on the critical illness one is suffering from. It may also vary with insurance provider policy.


              Any pre-existing condition that leads to cancer, skin cancer, STD which leads to cancer, etc.

Can vary from policy to policy but in general- illness due to the use of alcohol and drugs, diseases that may lead to cancer.

Stages of cancer covered

Most stages of illness or diseases are covered.

Only the advanced stages of cancer may be covered and can vary with insurance provider policy.

Premium discounts

Based on the diagnosis and prognosis of the cancer a 2–3-year future premium discount can be given by the insurance provider.

Will depend on the insurance provider and can be also availed via different add-ons or riders with the insurance policy.

Things to Keep in Mind When Buying Cancer Insurance Or Critical Health Insurance:

Following are the things one should always keep in mind when buying either cancer insurance or critical illness insurance:

Get a proper medical diagnosis:

One must get a proper and complete diagnosis of their illness or disease as it can be crucial in determining what type of health insurance policy suits them better in the long run.

Consult your doctor:

Consulting your doctor is a good way to get a proper idea about the current disease or illness one is suffering from. It can help in determining what type of insurance one needs.

Compare both the insurance policies properly:

By doing proper research and taking time to compare both the insurance policies properly one can get a better idea about what type of health insurance they need.

Check the list of coverage:

One can also check and compare the list of coverage for both the cancer insurance and the critical insurance policy to determine the policy that meets their requirements better.

Inclusions In Cancer Insurance and Critical Illness Insurance:

List of inclusion in cancer insurance:

The following cancers are included in the list of coverage of a cancer insurance policy:

  • Stomach cancer
  • Prostate cancer
  • Ovarian cancer
  • Breast cancer
  • Lung cancer
  • Any other cancer that affects any major organ of the body.

 List of inclusion in critical illness insurance:

Many conditions of critical illness are predetermined by the insurance company hence their coverage is also pre-set. The following is the list of diseases or illnesses that are covered in the critical illness insurance policy:

  • Parkinson's
  • Stroke
  • Heart Valve Surgery
  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • Breast Cancer
  • Pulmonary artery graft surgery, etc.

Exclusion In Cancer Insurance and Critical Illness Insurance:

Both health insurance policies have the same exclusion and can vary with insurance providers and market policies. The following is the list of exclusions in cancer insurance and critical illness insurance:

  1. Diseases or illnesses due to sexually transmitted diseases
  2. Prognosis of disease into cancer or any other critical illness due to pre-existing conditions.
  3. Diseases or illnesses due to the use of alcohol or drugs
  4. Cancer or critical illness due to any contamination


One should never take a chance on their health especially when they are suffering from cancer or any other critical illness that can have a high chance of death. By getting a comprehensive health insurance policy one can avoid any financial damage to themselves or to their family members that may come with such diseases and illness. But people should also be careful when buying health insurance policies when suffering from diseases such as cancer or any other critical illness by comparing and researching them properly and choosing the best one. Now, one can easily get a comprehensive health insurance policy in just a few steps from Quickinsure by visiting official website- https://quickinsure.co.in/ and compare various available plans and get the one that meets their requirements.


Does a critical insurance plan provide coverage for cancer as well?

Yes, critical illness insurance can provide coverage for cancer as well but can vary based on insurance provider policies.

Which one is better cancer insurance or critical illness insurance?

It can depend upon the diseases or illness of the customer and can also vary with market policies. But one should always do their proper research and decide which one will suit them better.

Can terminal illness come under critical illness insurance?

It can depend upon the inclusion policies of the critical illness insurance provider.

Where can one buy health insurance?

One can easily visit the Quickinsure official website- https://quickinsure.co.in/  and compare various available health insurance plans and get the one that meets their requirements.

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