Most people who own a two-wheeler know that it is an important mode of transport in their lives. They also know that they have to exercise a great deal of caution when riding their two-wheeler on busy and congested roads in India, especially because of the risk of accidents. This is because two-wheelers are more prone to accidents than most other vehicles on the road. If you own a scooter or bike, you need to adequately protect yourself, your family, and your bike against the risk of expense associated with accidents. This means that it is important that you buy two wheeler insurance.





In India, it is mandatory for you to have third-party liability insurance for you to drive your two-wheeler on the road. Moreover, it is not compulsory to buy any other type of two-wheeler insurance. However, it is highly recommended that you buy a comprehensive two-wheeler insurance policy that offers third-party liability coverage by default and provides protection against driving-related damages suffered by you. 

However, it is equally important for you to know the scenarios wherein your two-wheeler insurance will not provide any protection to you. Read on to know more as to what is not covered by your two-wheeler insurance.

Two-Wheeler Insurance Exclusions

  • Your scooter/bike insurance doesn’t cover loss/damage caused due to over speeding of the vehicle.
  • If you meet with an accident while riding your friend’s two-wheeler, your insurance company will not cover the loss or damage suffered.
  • Two-wheeler insurance also takes into account the reduction in the value of your vehicle due to ageing, usage, servicing or repair, wear and tear, etc.
  • Do you know what happens if you either leave the ignition key on the bike or lose it and your vehicle is stolen? Your insurer will not cover either the loss or damage suffered by you.
  • Your two-wheeler insurance does not provide coverage for electrical and mechanical failures.
  • You may have a valid license. However, your friend who borrowed your bike for a ride may not have one. If your friend meets with an accident while riding your bike, then you cannot file a claim for damages suffered under your vehicle insurance plan. The same is the case even if an under-aged person uses your vehicle.
  • Loss or damage suffered while driving your two-wheeler outside India is not covered by your insurance policy.
  • If you have alcohol or drug addiction, you should be aware that your insurance company does not cover the loss or damage suffered while driving your two-wheeler under the influence of either alcohol or drugs.
  • Your two-wheeler insurance does not provide protection against loss/damage suffered due to nuclear- or radioactivity-related incidents.
  • Claims arising out of an injury or loss due to wars, terrorism, and riots are not covered by your two-wheeler policy.
  • If you fail to maintain your two-wheeler in a road-worthy condition and it involves an accident, you cannot file any claim for damages suffered.
  • If you use the vehicle for any purpose other than what it is permitted to be used for, your claims will be rejected. For instance, you are not supposed to use your two-wheeler for commercial purposes without intimating your insurer.
  • Loss of or damage caused to helmets or protective gear is not included in two-wheeler insurance.

This is by no means an exhaustive list. Further, the list of exclusions often varies from one insurer to another. It is, therefore, very important that you read through the terms and conditions with a tooth comb when selecting your two-wheeler insurance policy.

FAQs - Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What are the different types of scooter/bike insurance?

There are two different types of scooter/bike insurance. They are third-party liability insurance and comprehensive insurance. It is mandatory to have third-party insurance for your two-wheeler if you want to ride it on Indian roads. Comprehensive insurance is not compulsory but highly recommended.

Q2. What does two-wheeler insurance cover?

Your two-wheeler's comprehensive insurance policy covers:

  • Damages caused to your two-wheeler or loss of your vehicle
  • Third-party financial liability
  • Accident cover for rider/owner

Q3. What is bumper-to-bumper or zero depreciation cover?

Bumper-to-bumper or zero depreciation cover is an add-on cover. This means that it is added to the comprehensive insurance. You also have to pay an additional premium. This add-on provides complete coverage to your vehicle, avoiding the adjustment of depreciation costs. For example, if your two-wheeler happens to be badly damaged, the insurance company will not deduct any depreciation charge when settling your claim.

Q4. My bike was stolen as I left the key on the bike by mistake? Can I file a claim under my two-wheeler insurance policy?

No. You are not eligible for any claim in this case.

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