Given the sky-rocketed medical expenses and uncertainty of human lives, having health insurance has become a basic need for a layman. There are different types of health insurance available, which you can choose from as per your requirements. Health insurance plans safeguard your finances and ensure that you get the best treatment in dire times. However, things will turn out smoothly only when you know the intricacies of making a health insurance claim.

The claim process needs to be flawless if you wish to enjoy hassle-free coverage of all your expenditure. During emergencies, you need to stay steady and adhere to policy norms and regulations and abide by the deadlines to ensure that your insurer rejects your claim.

This article aims at enlightening every policyholder about the intricacies of making a health insurance claim. Read this value-bomb today if you do not want to miss out on important tips and suggestions.

Top Tips For Seamless Approval Of Health Insurance Claim

  • Intimate Your Insurance Company Within The Stipulated Time Frame: It is one of the most overlooked points while making a claim. We understand that when you or your close one is not well, things tend to get messy and chaotic. But if you wish to make the most out of your health insurance policy and get your claim approved, then it is necessary that you inform your insurer about the health emergency you are facing. Any delay in the intimation can result in the rejection of your health insurance claim.
  • Always Share Correct Details With The Insurance Company: During buying the policy, be transparent with your insurance company. Do not hold back any vital details regarding your health. Be frank when it comes to your medical history, personal habits and occupational hazards (if any).
  • Do Not Forget To Collect Significant Documents From The Hospital During Discharge: You must collect all the documents during discharge from the hospital such as bills, discharge summary, pharmacy receipts, prescriptions, copy of investigation reports and so on. These documents will serve as valid proof of your claim and will make your claim more robust.
  • Share Necessary Bank Details: While you are submitting your claim, you need to submit a fresh bank mandate which carries the bank account details and IFSC code of the policyholder. Sharing incorrect bank details with your insurer can lead to unnecessary confusion and delays.
  • Always Fill The Insurance Application Form Details Yourself: It is better to fill in all the details by yourself. Avoid asking your agent or insurance company representative to do the needful on your behalf. You will be able to provide all the details with heightened accuracy. There will be a lesser chance of committing errors.
  • Submit All The Necessary Documents While Making A Claim: Do not fail to furnish all the significant documents such as medicine invoices, hospital bills etc. Any missing document can get your health insurance claim rejected easily.

FAQs - Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. I just missed the deadline for intimating my health emergency to the insurance company. Is it possible to get my claim approved now?

Unfortunately, the insurance company can conveniently reject your claim on the pretext of delayed intimation. Discuss with your health insurance agent so that he/she can use their expertise to take you out of this situation.

Q2. How many claims can I make in a year?

You are free to make any number of claims throughout the year as per your genuine requirements. However, the amount of the claim cannot surpass the insured amount.

Q3. I have lost a few of my prescriptions. Will it affect my insurance claim procedure?

If you are claiming for a specific health condition and the prescriptions are related to the same disease, then yes, this will impact your claim process. You may not get coverage for those medicine expenditures. Try requesting your doctor/hospital to provide you with a copy of those prescriptions.

Q4. My agent filled in the wrong bank details, and now I am unable to get my claim approved. What should I do to get it approved?

You need to visit the insurance company and discuss with them the issue. They will provide you with some solutions. But know that this will definitely take time.


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