Health insurance is the most crucial health stuff anyone needs to protect them financially during health emergencies. When it comes to buying health insurance, many options are available that might create confusion.

To resolve that issue, comparing different health insurance quotes online by different providers is the best approach to be used. It saves time as well as helps you to pick the plan that is most reliable for you.

Now let's understand the different steps involved while comparing health insurance quotes online.

Steps on How to Choose the Best Health Insurance Online

The health insurance quotes can be compared using any of the two approaches- online and offline. The offline process is tedious and time-consuming as you need to visit the insurer’s office and meet agents from time to time.

But online comparison can be done with the comfort of your sofa and suitability. This health insurance guide will help you to compare health insurance policies online.

Step 1: Visit the website of that particular insurance provider.

Step 2: Click the ‘Buy Insurance’ or other similar buttons to start the comparison process.

Step 3:  Fill in the information asked related to the person to be insured.

Step 4: Choose the insured sum.

Step 5: Add the details of the required add-on covers.

Step 6: Download the quote imposed by the provider for their health insurance services and coverage.

Step 7: Check the claim process and search for online reviews.

Step 8: Repeat the above steps with different online health insurance providers.

Step 9: At last, you will get the consolidated data to compare and decide accordingly.

Why Compare Health Insurance Quotes Online

The online comparison of health insurance quotes saves effort, money as well as time. Here are a few reasons why one should compare health insurance quotes via online mode:

Free Quotes

There is no need to pay money to get knowledge of the premium for that specific policy. All the information is available in the online quotes, which can be downloaded for free.

Convenient Process

These days, it is very convenient to compare the health insurance policies and features using any smart device with your confront zone. You don't need to go to the office or visit an agent.

Easygoing Process

One can easily find the best suitable policy as all the information along with the inclusions and exclusions are available online. Comparison can also be done with the claim settlement process, services offered, the premium charged etc.

Pros to Compare Health Insurance Quotes Online

Here is what you get by comparing the Health Insurance quotes online:

Best Health Insurance Plan

You understand your health issues better rather than anyone else. You can assess your policy online, considering your health risks. And this way, one can buy the best health insurance plan.

Value for Money

Value for money doesn't mean that you should buy the least costly policy. Rather it is about rightly balancing between the offerings and requirements. The online comparison of quotes will help to attain this balance and buy the best budget-friendly plan.

Peace of Mind

By comparing policies online by yourself, you can make sure that it is the best one and thus lead to peace of mind.

Factors to Consider While Comparing Health Insurance Quotes Online

The important factors to be kept in mind while comparing health insurance quotes via online mode:

Sum Insured

The maximum amount covered by the insurance provider for you is the sum insured. It is directly related to the premium of the policy. 


The scope of coverage is much larger. It is beyond the sum insured and considers the inclusions and exclusions of the policy.

Network Hospitals

The insurer having a wider network of network hospitals is good to be picked.

Waiting Period

The plans do not cover all health issues from the first day onwards. Rather there is a waiting period of days, months or years to become eligible for getting covered for any particular illness. Carefully have a look at the waiting period of the policy.


There might be sub-limits on any particular coverages of a policy. Pick the policy having manageable or no sub-limits.


Contribution towards claim settlement is required if a policy has a co-pay clause. The premium of the policy is reduced with a co-pay clause. It shares the claim settlement burden between the insuree and insurer.

Room Rent Limit

Room rent limit is the crucial factor for quote comparison. It directly affects the amount of claim settlement, coverage offered and premium charged.


It is the key factor to be kept in mind while comparing health insurance quotes online.

Online Reviews

Online reviews help to understand customer satisfaction with that particular insurance company and their services.

Long Term Policies

Check whether the company is offering lifetime renewability options or long-term coverage for the particular plan.

Digital Setup

Companies having a digital setup is the demand of the digital era. It eases the process of buying, claiming and renewing an online health insurance policy.

This health insurance guide will help you to understand the overall approach to compare and choose the best health insurance plan.


Q. Am I eligible for coverage if I get hospitalized for less than 24 hours?

Ans. Yes, most of the companies allow the insuree to get coverage even hospitalized for less than 24 hours.

Q. How the premium calculation can be done with the help of a mobile app?

And. The health insurance companies have their own mobile app and calculate the premium providing necessary details.

Q. What are pre-existing diseases or conditions?

Ans. A health condition or illness that is diagnosed before purchasing the policy is referred to as pre-existing illness.

Q. Is it possible to purchase 2 health insurance policies at a time?

And. Yes, it is possible.


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Insurance Companies