Today with a growing environmental awareness there has been a rapid demand for electric vehicles in India. This has led to many people buying various e-bikes and electric scooters throughout India. But this has also made many confused as to whether one can buy two-wheeler insurance for their vehicle in India. Here we are going to look at whether it is possible to get two-wheeler insurance in India and what are its benefits.

How To Get Insurance for Electric Scooters in India?

Today many people are buying e-bike and electric two-wheelers in India as many and many people are finding more environmentally friendly means of transport as they not only help the environment but also provide a good alternative to fossil fuel vehicles which can leave a big carbon footprint. 

This has also made many people question whether one can get e-bike insurance in India for their vehicle, and the answer to that is “yes” one can buy electric two-wheeler insurance in India as by law it is mandatory to get third-party insurance for any vehicle in India. Getting electric bike insurance can not only help one avoid any future unforeseen circumstances but also ease one’s mind in terms of financial worry.

Benefits Of Buying Insurance for Electric Scooters

One can never predict what can happen on the road, but one can always be prepared by getting insurance for their electric two-wheeler and protecting themselves from any financial damage that it may bring. 

The following are the benefits of getting e-bike insurance in India:

  • 3rd Party Protection: Getting e-bike insurance can help one protect themselves from any financial worry which may come if one vehicle damages another party in any way. This insurance is also made mandatory by the government of India by Motor Vehicle Act 1988.
  • Accidental Protection: By getting electric bike insurance one can protect themselves from any accidental damages that may happen on the road due to any unforeseen circumstances. This can help one in getting financial assistance or coverage when getting their vehicle repaired after the accident.
  • Natural Disaster Protection: Electric bike insurance can help one get protection from natural disasters which can be stuck unpredictably.   
  • Theft Protection: Insurance can help one recover their electric bike value in terms of monetary loss if one were to be stolen or lost in transit.
  • Spare Parts and Consumables: One can never be careful with the electric bike as they require careful attention to the servicing and sometimes may even require spare parts and consumables change which can cost a lot but getting e-bike insurance can help mitigate that cost of spare parts. 
  • Personal Accident Coverage: Insurance can also help avoid any issues getting immediate care when one is involved in an accident that results in injury or damage to them by providing personal accident coverage.
  • Fire Damage: As electric bikes can sometimes get fire damage which may result from battery issues or any other electrical damage from the vehicle, many insurance companies provide customers with fire damage coverage for their electric two-wheeler.


Many people in India are today shifting towards electric vehicles as a good means of transport. E-bikes are not only good for the environment but also help reduce the carbon footprint of the overall country. But also, has made many questions if they can get insurance for their e-bikes in India. As per India Motor Vehicle Act 1988, it has been made mandatory to get a 3rd party insurance for a vehicle on the road, so one needs to have insurance even for e-bikes on the road. Getting insurance not only helps one avoid any unforeseen future risks but also helps mitigate any financial loss due to them. 

Now one can easily get insurance for their electric two-wheeler on Quickinsure by visiting their official website and comparing various available plans and getting the one that meets all their requirements.

FAQs - Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Can one buy insurance for their e-bike in India?

Yes, as per the Motor Vehicle Act 1988 it has been made mandatory in India for one to get 3rd party insurance for their vehicle. 

Q2. Why is it important to buy insurance for one e-bike?

Insurance can help one not only avoid any unforeseen future risk but also help one mitigate any financial loss that may come with it.

Q3. Can one get insurance for their battery for an e-bike?

Yes, one can easily get insurance for their e-bike battery.

Q4. Where can one buy insurance for their electric two-wheeler?

One can visit Quickinsure official website- and compare various available plans and get the one that meets their requirements.

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